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Updates from Alfonso: Wrapping Up the 2024 Session and Budget

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I hope you have enjoyed your spring and are looking forward to the summer. Except for a few issues, we have wrapped up the budget and legislation for 2024! As many of you saw, I mailed out a comprehensive recap of the 2024 session and budget to residents of the 3rd District. But, for those of you who do not reside in my district, did not receive a copy, or just want an update on some of the legislative items that were not finalized before the letter went out, you are in luck! My team and I have updated the letter to reflect recent happenings and uploaded it to my website. Click here to check it out!

Also, with the start of a new legislative term, I have received my commission appointments for the next two years. See below for a list of my appointments and a brief explanation of what each commission does:

➤ Northern Virginia Transportation Commission - serves as a regional forum for the discussion and analysis of transit issues that are critical to our economy and quality of life. This includes handling the funding and stewardship of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Agency (WMATA) and the Virginia Railway Express (VRE).

➤ State Water Commission - studies all aspects of water supply, safety, and allocation issues in the Commonwealth.

➤ Virginia Commission on Coal and Energy - studies all aspects of coal as an energy resource and endeavors to stimulate, encourage, promote, and assist in the development of renewable and alternative energy resources other than petroleum.

➤ Virginia Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation - works to encourage and arrange cooperation for other states and units of government both regionally and nationally.


➤ Always great to stop by the Penrose Neighborhood Association! It was the cherry on top to also be able to honor the great Maria “Pete” Durgan with a General Assembly Commending Resolution. She expertly helmed the Association for many years before passing the mantle to Alex Sakes (also pictured), who is doing a great job serving the residents of Penrose.

➤ I was so proud to be named a REPRO Rising Virginia “Reproductive Freedom Champion” once again receiving an A+ Score on their 2024 Report Card.

➤ One of my favorite parts of being a delegate is getting to honor folks in the community who have done great things and won awards. I was proud to present a General Assembly commending resolutions to Alexandria City's winners of the Posse and QuestBridge Scholarships, the winner of the Byrd Leadership Award, and the ACHS's “Bach and Jones” dynamic theater duo!



As always, it is an honor to serve as your Delegate in the Virginia General Assembly. If there is any way that my office may be helpful to you, please don’t hesitate to contact us by email at or by phone at (571) 336-2147. Additionally, you can always visit my website at

Alfonso H. Lopez

Member, 3rd District

Virginia House of Delegates

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